BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Hotchillee - ECPv5.14.2.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Hotchillee X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Hotchillee REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20210328T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20211031T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20220327T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20221030T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210422T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210422T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210322T142637Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210419T161411Z SUMMARY:Laps & Lattes DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210424T083000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210424T113000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210322T141346Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210422T142514Z SUMMARY:Whisk's Windsor Wonder Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains David Sidgwick (aka Whisk) and Dimi Nicolaides for a ride down to Windsor Great park and back. \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThis ride is for Hotchillee Premium Members only and is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nStart/finish venue: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nParking: Public parking at Civil Car Park behind Costa Coffee (opposite G!RO) \nMeet time: 08:00 \nRoll time: 08:30 \nExpected return time: 11:30 \nRoute description: A classic rolling 70km loop out to Windsor. Pace will be London-Paris Group 2/Group 3 speed. \nAverage speed: 28-29 km/h \nGPX file \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210506T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210506T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210329T131607Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210423T095437Z SUMMARY:Laps & Lattes DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210509T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210509T113000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210329T140058Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210426T112251Z SUMMARY:Whisk's Windsor Wonder Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captain David Sidgwick (aka Whisk) for a ride down to Windsor Great park and back. \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThis ride is for Hotchillee Premium Members only and is limited to 10 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nStart/finish venue: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nParking: Public parking at Civil Car Park behind Costa Coffee (opposite G!RO) \nMeet time: 08:00 \nRoll time: 08:30 \nExpected return time: 11:30 \nRoute description: A classic rolling 70km loop out to Windsor. Pace will be London-Paris Group 4/Group 5 speed. \nAverage speed: 24-26 km/h \nGPX file \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210516T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210516T110000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210408T152041Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210511T093334Z SUMMARY:Bean to Box DESCRIPTION:Join Ride Captains Gareth (Beanst) and Michelle Sharland for 69km ride in the Surrey Hills. Taking on Polesden Lacey and Boxhill. Average speed 25kph. Max of 15 riders. \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThis ride is open to Hotchillee Premium Members only. To secure you spot you must RSVP below. \nStart/Finish: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nMeet: 08:00 \nRoll: 08:30 \nExpected finish: 11:30 \nRoute description: 69km with 680m of elevation. \nExpected average speed: 25 kph \nGPX \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210520T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210520T203000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210408T133212Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210423T095528Z SUMMARY:Laps & Lattes DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210522T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210522T123000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210408T143309Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210520T115625Z SUMMARY:Hills\, hills\, hills! DESCRIPTION:Join Ride Captains Rachel and Jon for some … hills! \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThis ride is for Hotchillee Premium Members and limited to a max of 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nVenue: Newlands Corner \nMeet: 09:00 \nRoll: 09:30 \nExpected finish: 12:30 \nGPX \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210529T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210529T113000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210517T094004Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210526T104809Z SUMMARY:Staple Lane Loop DESCRIPTION:A social ride with Hotchillee’s Jane and Amy. Distance is 43km with 414m of climbing. Min pace of 20km/h. A good ride to join if you are new to cycling or you just fancy a gentle ride and some chatter. The only nasty is Staple Lane itself. \nThis ride is open to all Hotchillee Premium Members and limited to 10 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \n09:30 Meet at G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \n09:45 Ride \n11:45 Expected return. Coffee & cake! \nThere is paid parking available at the Civic Car Park\, Esher KT10 9RA (opposite G!RO\, behind Costa Coffee) \nGPX file here \nPlease RSVP below to secure your place. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210603T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210603T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210524T104442Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210524T104442Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (& Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210613T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210613T113000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210602T140937Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210604T135055Z SUMMARY:Box Hill DESCRIPTION:Join Ride Captains Gareth and Michelle for a 69km ride in the Surrey Hills taking on Polesden Lacey and iconic Box Hill. With over 300 Hotchillee events under the belts of our Ride Captain squad you’re in safe hands with these guys. This ride is 69km with an average speed of 25 kph and limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. No RSVP no ride. \nStart/Finish: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nMeet: 08:00 \nRoll: 08:30 \nExpected finish: 11:30 \nRoute description: 69km with 680m elevation. \nExpected average speed: 25 kph \nDownload the GPX file here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210617T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210617T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210524T105758Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210524T105758Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (& Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210701T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210701T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210628T115220Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210701T094944Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (and Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210703T083000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210703T113000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210629T112814Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210702T121358Z SUMMARY:Box Hill & Ranmore Common DESCRIPTION:Join Ride Captain Rachel for a spin 53km (650m) around Surrey\, taking on Box Hill and Ranmore Common. \nVenue: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nMeet: 08:00 \nRoll: 08:30 \nExpected finish: 11:30 \nAverage speed: 25kph \nGPX file \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nThis ride is for Hotchillee Premium Members and limited to a max of 8 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210710T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210710T233000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210701T100058Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210705T075447Z SUMMARY:Box Hill DESCRIPTION:Join Ride Captain Gareth for a 69km ride in the Surrey Hills taking on Polesden Lacey and iconic Box Hill. \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under the belts of our Ride Captain squad you’re in safe hands with these guys. This ride is 69km with an average speed of 25 kph and limited to 15 riders. \nTo secure your place please RSVP below. No RSVP no ride. \nStart/Finish: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nMeet: 08:00 \nRoll: 08:30 \nExpected finish: 11:30 \nRoute description: 69km with 680m elevation. \nExpected average speed: 25 kph \nDownload the GPX file here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210715T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210715T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210628T115458Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210628T115458Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (and Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210729T064500 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210729T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210628T115708Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210628T115708Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (and Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210822T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210822T113000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210726T080014Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210805T150906Z SUMMARY:Monthly Road Ride DESCRIPTION:This month’s road ride will have 3 ability/speed groups lead by the Hotchillee Ride Captains. Groups will continue to be 15 people max. \nPlaces are limited with a max of 15 riders per group. \nStart/finish venue: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nParking: Available at the Civic Car Park behind Costa (opposite G!RO) \nMeet: 08:00 \nRoll: 08:30 \nExpected finish: 11:30 \nRoad: \nGroup 1: 29+ km/ph (80km) \nGroup 2: 26-28 km/ph (80km) \nGroup 3: 23-25 km/ph (60km) \nGPX files coming soon! \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \nThis ride is free. To secure your place you must RSVP below. \nIf you are not a member of Hotchillee you will need to set up a free membership before you can register. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Free Members Welcome,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210930T070000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210930T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210921T115607Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210921T120650Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (and Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park/Cafe\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20211003T083000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20211003T120000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210921T093831Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211002T131052Z SUMMARY:Monthly Road Ride DESCRIPTION: \n \nThis month’s road ride will have 3 ability/speed groups as as always be lead by the Hotchillee Ride Captains. Groups will continue to be 15 people max with a Ride Captain at the front and back and a no drop policy so no one if left behind. \nStart/finish venue: G!RO Cycles\, 2 High Street Esher GB KT10 9RT \nParking: Available at the Civic Car Park behind Costa (opposite G!RO) \nMeet: 08:30 \nRoll: 09:00 \nExpected finish: 12:00 \nRoad: \nGroup 1: 29+ km/ph (80km) \nGroup 2: 26-28 km/ph (80km) \nGroup 3: 23-25 km/ph (60km) \nGPX files will be emailed to registered riders a few days before the ride. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code – but our most important rule … Greet your fellow rider before they greet you. \nThis ride is free and open to all. To secure your place you must RSVP below. No RSVP no ride. \nIf you are not a member of Hotchillee you will need to set up a free membership before you can register. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Free Members Welcome,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20211014T070000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20211014T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210921T121019Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210923T081222Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (Laps & Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20211021T070000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20211021T083000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20210921T121820Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210921T121920Z SUMMARY:Richmond Park Laps (Laps & Lattes) DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captains Gareth Wilson and Wayde Finch for early morning Richmond Park laps\, finishing with a coffee at La Ciclista in Sheen. \nThe ride is limited to 15 riders. To secure your place please RSVP below. \nDistance: 30km (3 laps) \nAverage speed: 27 kph \nStart/finish: Roehampton Gate Car Park\, SW15 5JY \nMeet: 06:45 \nRoll: 07:00 \nExpected return: 08:30 \nWith over 300 Hotchillee events under their belts you’re in safe hands with our Ride & Chapter Captains. Whether it’s on road or gravel you can be confident they will chose the best routes\, have the answer to (almost) any cycling related question (feel free to test them) and make you feel like part of the Hotchillee family from your first ride. More information about the team can be found here. \nAll riders must adhere to the British Cycling Covid-19 Guidance and Behaviour Code. URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20211210T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20211210T120000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20211209T133039Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211209T135737Z SUMMARY:Women's Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captain Michelle Sharland for a women’s only ride\, starting and finishing in East Horsley. These are no-drop road rides – so generally a recovery ride for stronger riders and a decent ride for others. Rides typically average around 19-22 km/ph depending on the route. Distance is around 40-50km (shorter if hilly). We always stop for coffee en route. \nIt’s predominantly a female only ride but every so often we do have men who join in (on our terms…) \nStart/finish: Quaich\, 20 Station Parade\, Ockham Rd S\, Station Approach\, East Horsley\, Leatherhead KT24 6QN \nStart time: 09:00 (GMT) \nExpected finish: 12:00 \nAverage speed: 19-22 km/ph depending on route \nAverage distance: 40-50km (shorter if hilly) \nIf you would like to join please message Michelle via the Hotchillee app\, either DM her or message in the #chillee_fillies group. \n \n \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Ladies Only,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20211217T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20211217T120000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20211209T140111Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211209T140141Z SUMMARY:Women's Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captain Michelle Sharland for a women’s only ride\, starting and finishing in East Horsley. These are no-drop road rides – so generally a recovery ride for stronger riders and a decent ride for others. Rides typically average around 19-22 km/ph depending on the route. Distance is around 40-50km (shorter if hilly). We always stop for coffee en route. \nIt’s predominantly a female only ride but every so often we do have men who join in (on our terms…) \nStart/finish: Quaich\, 20 Station Parade\, Ockham Rd S\, Station Approach\, East Horsley\, Leatherhead KT24 6QN \nStart time: 09:00 (GMT) \nExpected finish: 12:00 \nAverage speed: 19-22 km/ph depending on route \nAverage distance: 40-50km (shorter if hilly) \nIf you would like to join please message Michelle via the Hotchillee app\, either DM her or message in the #chillee_fillies group. \n \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Ladies Only,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220114T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220114T120000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20211209T140422Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211209T140422Z SUMMARY:Women's Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captain Michelle Sharland for a women’s only ride\, starting and finishing in East Horsley. These are no-drop road rides – so generally a recovery ride for stronger riders and a decent ride for others. Rides typically average around 19-22 km/ph depending on the route. Distance is around 40-50km (shorter if hilly). We always stop for coffee en route. \nIt’s predominantly a female only ride but every so often we do have men who join in (on our terms…) \nStart/finish: Quaich\, 20 Station Parade\, Ockham Rd S\, Station Approach\, East Horsley\, Leatherhead KT24 6QN \nStart time: 09:00 (GMT) \nExpected finish: 12:00 \nAverage speed: 19-22 km/ph depending on route \nAverage distance: 40-50km (shorter if hilly) \nIf you would like to join please message Michelle via the Hotchillee app\, either DM her or message in the #chillee_fillies group. \n \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Ladies Only,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220121T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220121T120000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20211209T140657Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211209T140657Z SUMMARY:Women's Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captain Michelle Sharland for a women’s only ride\, starting and finishing in East Horsley. These are no-drop road rides – so generally a recovery ride for stronger riders and a decent ride for others. Rides typically average around 19-22 km/ph depending on the route. Distance is around 40-50km (shorter if hilly). We always stop for coffee en route. \nIt’s predominantly a female only ride but every so often we do have men who join in (on our terms…) \nStart/finish: Quaich\, 20 Station Parade\, Ockham Rd S\, Station Approach\, East Horsley\, Leatherhead KT24 6QN \nStart time: 09:00 (GMT) \nExpected finish: 12:00 \nAverage speed: 19-22 km/ph depending on route \nAverage distance: 40-50km (shorter if hilly) \nIf you would like to join please message Michelle via the Hotchillee app\, either DM her or message in the #chillee_fillies group. \n \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Ladies Only,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220204T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220204T120000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20211209T141458Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211209T141458Z SUMMARY:Women's Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captain Michelle Sharland for a women’s only ride\, starting and finishing in East Horsley. These are no-drop road rides – so generally a recovery ride for stronger riders and a decent ride for others. Rides typically average around 19-22 km/ph depending on the route. Distance is around 40-50km (shorter if hilly). We always stop for coffee en route. \nIt’s predominantly a female only ride but every so often we do have men who join in (on our terms…) \nStart/finish: Quaich\, 20 Station Parade\, Ockham Rd S\, Station Approach\, East Horsley\, Leatherhead KT24 6QN \nStart time: 09:00 (GMT) \nExpected finish: 12:00 \nAverage speed: 19-22 km/ph depending on route \nAverage distance: 40-50km (shorter if hilly) \nIf you would like to join please message Michelle via the Hotchillee app\, either DM her or message in the #chillee_fillies group. \n \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Ladies Only,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220211T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220211T120000 DTSTAMP:20221204T181514 CREATED:20211209T152145Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211209T152145Z SUMMARY:Women's Ride DESCRIPTION:Join Hotchillee Ride Captain Michelle Sharland for a women’s only ride\, starting and finishing in East Horsley. These are no-drop road rides – so generally a recovery ride for stronger riders and a decent ride for others. Rides typically average around 19-22 km/ph depending on the route. Distance is around 40-50km (shorter if hilly). We always stop for coffee en route. \nIt’s predominantly a female only ride but every so often we do have men who join in (on our terms…) \nStart/finish: Quaich\, 20 Station Parade\, Ockham Rd S\, Station Approach\, East Horsley\, Leatherhead KT24 6QN \nStart time: 09:00 (GMT) \nExpected finish: 12:00 \nAverage speed: 19-22 km/ph depending on route \nAverage distance: 40-50km (shorter if hilly) \nIf you would like to join please message Michelle via the Hotchillee app\, either DM her or message in the #chillee_fillies group. \n \n URL: LOCATION:Surrey | Road\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Ladies Only,Road ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR