LONDON-PARIS Cycle | Little Princess Trust Charity

Introducing The Little Princess Trust

We’re proud to announce the Official Charity Partner The LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France will be The Little Princess Trust. Many of you know the HotChillee team well and may be aware of some the challenges which have been faced over the last couple of years, so will appreciate how happy it makes us to be officially supporting a cancer charity at our flagship event. Especially one as brilliant as this…

When a child loses their hair to cancer, The Little Princess Trust will be there with a real hair wig to restore their confidence and identity. The charity believes no child should die of cancer and funds research searching for cures and kinder treatments. And you can help, by joining The LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France!



The Little Princess Trust was started in 2006 in memory of Hannah Tarplee who had sadly lost her own battle with cancer the previous year. The five-year-old’s parents had struggled to find a suitable wig for her during treatment and, having seen just how traumatic the loss of her hair had been, felt the most fitting tribute to their daughter would be a charity dedicated to providing wigs, free of charge, to children who had lost their own hair due to cancer and other conditions.

The charity has since helped thousands of young people, up to the age of 24, regain their confidence and identity by giving them a real hair wig. In addition to the wigs, The Little Princess Trust has also committed more than £7million to projects focussed on kinder and more effective treatments for childhood cancers.

It costs the charity £550 to provide a child with a wig so support The Little Princess Trust today and help them influence the outcomes of childhood cancer.


Around 10 hair donations are required to make a single wig.


The charity supplies wigs made from donated hair. From receiving hair donations at our office, right through to fitting a wig, each real hair wig costs the charity around £550. The Trust receives thousands of donations of good condition hair from all over the world. Around 10 hair donations are required to make a single wig. The greatest demand is for hair that is over 12”/30cm which will make the popular, longer wigs.

Many people choose to support the charity by having a sponsored haircut. However, there are lots of other ways in which people show their support, from bake sales to sporting events; from team challenges to crazy hat days! Every penny raised makes a huge difference to the lives of the young people helped by LPT.



How you can help… by cycling!

Many people choose to support The Little Princess Trust by having a sponsored haircut. However, there are lots of ways in which people can show their support - and that is why the charity would love for you to ride from London to Paris with the HotChillee team while raising money for them. For more information and to sign up for the team visit The Little Princess Trust website or email [email protected]