Women’s cycling is certainly taking off. Not long ago there were so few women on their bikes or only a rare few riding behind their bored looking Lycra clad partners. Things have changed. Thank goodness! We have a lot to be thankful for, decent and stylish clothing, stunning bikes and above all lots of other amazing women who share the passion.
Over the past few years it is very exciting to see a marked increase in the number of ladies riding in the Hotchillee events and the monthly training rides. Riding in groups with Ride Captains offers a safe and supportive environment to get to grips with road cycling, testing your fitness and learning group riding skills knowing that you will not be left behind and someone can (hopefully) fix your bike if something happens.
As confidence in skills and fitness develops, all the events provide a great environment to test out the racing aspect of riding. I know how this feels having ridden in group 2 of the Cape Rouleur in 2015 never having raced before. It was exhilarating! If you’re thinking about racing (GC, Hill Climbs, or sprints) there’s nothing like a Hotchillee event to let you have a go and see where it leads to.
Cycling has changed many ladies lives. Most of us have busy lives trying to juggle family, work, home etc with very little time for ourselves. The best thing about cycling is that you can’t answer your phone when you are out riding so it’s real ‘ME’ time. More endorphins means more smiles!
-Michelle Sharland, Hotchillee Ride Captain