Join the famous Hotchillee Gain Train! A hare and hounds style ride with 3 carriages to choose from - First Class, Second Class and Buffet Car!
What is it?
Firstly, IT’S NOT A RACE but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy pace no-drop ride. It’s a paced “Category +” Hare and Hounds where you will be working predominately at the upper end of your category and hanging on for as long as you can in search of those gains.
What are the paces?
Paces are based on what the Ride Leader for each group will average and our leaders are pretty accurate - check on ZwiftPower afterwards.
Buffet Class (D+) Leader will average 2.4 w/kg (departs at 1830)
Second Class (C+) Leader average 3.1 w/kg (departs at 1834)
First Class (B+) Leader will average 3.7 w/kg (departs at 1836)
This is an official Zwift event and can be joined here: https://www.zwift.com/uk/events/tag/hotchillee - all welcome.
The Gain Train is open to anyone, but also forms part of our 16 week Winter Warmer Training Plan which has been created by our in-house coach Nikalas Cook, former coaching consultant at British Cycling, author of the Road Cycling Performance Manual, Hotchillee Ride Captain and regular Ride Leader on the Hotchillee Gain Train.
Hotchillee Premium members can join the discord chat on the #virtual_rides group, and access Nik’s training support on the #training_plans group via the Hotchillee companion app.
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